Pastor Emeritus Carl Shelton
Reverend Carl Shelton was saved at the age of 19. A few short months later, he accepted the Lord's call to ministry. He pastored Brightwood Baptist Church from 1960 to 1965 and Rowan Mills Baptist Church in Salisbury from 1965 to 1966. He then returned to pastor Lebanon Baptist Church in 1967 and ministered there for more than 32 years before retiring in 1999.
Upon retirement from Lebanon, he held interim pastor roles at Monnett Road Baptist and Lighthouse Baptist Church. He later pastored Lakeview Baptist Church in Greensboro, and in 2008 he formed Brown Summit Baptist Church where he served as pastor until his retirement in June 2022.
Pastor "Preacher" Shelton is very dear to the folks at Brown Summit Baptist Church and will always be known as a cornerstone to the church, and a true man of God.